5 Must-Have Painting Tools (Part 3)

Whether you’re short or tall, a must-have tool when painting is an extension pole. It allows you to paint parts of a wall or ceiling, without the use of a ladder. Well, most of the time, at least.

“Sometimes it was too tight for me to loosen, and other times it seemed to never want to tighten.”

I was always used to the poles that twist to loosen or tighten.  They extend pretty far.  Some of them can even go as far as sixteen feet.  What I hated most, though, was having to twist it to adjust the length.  Sometimes it was too tight for me to loosen, and other times it seemed to never want to tighten.

“I could have actually been painting”

Occasionally, it would even loosen and fall to the shortest setting in the middle of rolling a wall.  Constantly fooling with an extension pole, when I could have actually been painting, cost a lot of time.  I needed to find a pole with a better adjustable system.

Bates Choice 3 Foot Extension Pole

The Bates Choice three foot extension pole is almost perfect for me.  The telescoping locking system makes it so easy to use.  What makes it even better is when I have to adjust the length of the pole in the middle of rolling one wall.  I extend it all the way to reach the top, then quickly adjust it to the shortest length so I don’t hit the wall behind me.  It’s really easy to store, too.

The only thing I don’t like about this one, is how far it can adjust.  I still need a ladder sometimes, even with a six foot extension pole.  There are other similar one that extend much further.  I may have to get a longer one eventually; but for now, this one works just fine.

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