Easy Granola Bars

Today I'm going to share a fairly quick and easy recipe. I love granola bars. They are a great snack and an easy breakfast when I don't feel like cooking anything. They are delicious and come in so many flavors and varieties. " It took several attempts and some experimenting to finally get something we …

5 Must-Have Painting Tools (Part 5)

My final must-have painting tool is my favorite.  It helps with my least favorite thing, which is cutting in. "one foot on the ladder and the other on the toilet tank" I hate cutting in walls, especially near the ceiling.  I'm short, so it's hard for me to reach tall ceilings, even with a ladder.  …

5 Must-Have Painting Tools (Part 4)

I still use a nine inch paint roller, even though I've upgraded to an 18 inch.  I use it when I paint ceilings and small areas, where 18 inches is just too big. "unscrew the pole from one roller and screw it onto another" That alone saves time, especially if I have to use a …

5 Must-Have Painting Tools (Part 3)

Whether you're short or tall, a must-have tool when painting is an extension pole. It allows you to paint parts of a wall or ceiling, without the use of a ladder. Well, most of the time, at least. "Sometimes it was too tight for me to loosen, and other times it seemed to never want …

5 Must-Have Painting Tools (Part 2)

There are two common ways to paint a wall. One is to use a roller and the other involves a sprayer. If you know how to spray properly without making a huge mess, which I don't, then that is definitely the most efficient use of time. I, however, prefer to roll. "it took a whole …

5 Must-Have Painting Tools (Part 1)

It's been several months since I last posted, and some things have changed. I started my own company at the beginning of the year and am now painting apartments. I no longer have a crew with me, which means doing everything by myself. "I was going to get worn out fast." I didn't realize, until …

Solved: How to Stop Google Chrome from Relocating Your Cursor to the Top Address Bar

Today's post is about something more technical. I don't consider myself as a very computer savvy person. I think I'm behind on technology in some ways. In fact, I didn't get a cell phone or even an e-mail address until I was eighteen. Social media didn't exist to me until I finally joined Facebook in …

#1 Way to remove oil-based paint from skin!

I work for a company fixing up rental properties, in a team with my twin sister and another crazy woman.  We are the only all female team, often referred to as the Diva Crew.  My boyfriend likes to call us Three Women in Rehab. haha. Our job is to fix up the houses and get …

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