5 Must-Have Painting Tools (Part 2)

There are two common ways to paint a wall. One is to use a roller and the other involves a sprayer. If you know how to spray properly without making a huge mess, which I don’t, then that is definitely the most efficient use of time. I, however, prefer to roll.

“it took a whole week just to paint one unit,”

When I first started painting by myself, I was using a nine inch roller. It worked pretty well for my first couple jobs; but when it took a whole week just to paint one unit, I knew I had to do something different. Another painter suggested I use an eighteen inch roller instead and that it would cut my time in half. He even loaned me one to try out until I got my own.

“My productivity increased so much”

It definitely saved me so much time. I didn’t have to fill my tray up as much. I didn’t have to make as many passes on the wall. The only thing I didn’t like was having to cut-in the corners because the frame would prevent the roller from going all the way to the edge. With the nine inch frame and roller, I could roll all the way to the corner, saving me some cut-in time. My productivity increased so much with the bigger roller, though, I ordered one as soon as I could.

Purdy Premium Adjustable Frame

My boyfriend did a lot of research online, trying to find an eighteen inch frame with the best reviews. After many months of using it, I would say that it works great. Unlike the one I borrowed, which has wing nuts to keep the frame at the correct width, the Purdy Premium Adjustable Frame has a quick latch system that makes it easier to remove the roller cover. That’s my favorite part about it; because I hated turning those wing nuts, especially in the cold.

If you plan on doing a lot of painting, I would suggest upgrading to an eighteen inch roller frame. And, of course, a tray to go with it. It will be a great investment.

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