5 Must-Have Painting Tools (Part 1)

It’s been several months since I last posted, and some things have changed. I started my own company at the beginning of the year and am now painting apartments. I no longer have a crew with me, which means doing everything by myself.

“I was going to get worn out fast.”

I didn’t realize, until my second day, how much of a challenge some things would be. If I didn’t invest in a few tools to make the job easier and quicker, I was going to get worn out fast. So after over eight months of painting by myself, I have come up with my top five tools that have saved me so much time and energy.

“a tiny female basically waddling up and down stairs.”

My first investment is actually a tool my boyfriend found for me online. It was my first day painting a full unit by myself and it was on the third floor. I had to carry all my supplies up three flights of stairs, including a five gallon bucket of paint. I’m short, only five feet tall, and small. I can’t carry a full, or even halfway full, bucket of paint by the handle, like it was made for. I have to grab it from under the rim, where the handle attaches. Can you imagine a tiny female basically waddling up and down stairs, carrying buckets of paint? It was not fun. So, what was the solution?

Bucket Buggy Bucket Mover

It’s basically a dolly for large buckets of paint. The best part is how light and compact it is, which is a huge plus. The buggy has a strap and buckle that keeps the bucket in place, even while going up and down stairs. With the Bucket Buggy, I can even move two buckets of paint at once. That is just a little too much weight for me to haul up stairs at one time, though I have done it. This is definitely the best investment I’ve made. I use it everyday, and have received many compliments on it.

I’ll reveal my other top must-haves in my upcoming posts. Until then, what are some painting tools you can’t live without?

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